For the love of red color, this article is dedicated to all the beautiful types of red flowers that make everyone’s garden beautiful. If you too love red color like us, read this article to know what are the most beautiful types of red flowers so that you can grow them in your home garden as well.
Red flowers are the fascinating flowers in the world. Red flowers are common and can be found in almost all garden areas, but wide varieties of red flowers are available that may moan you with their enhancing beauty. Also, red color is the symbol of passion, positivity, and romance.
Most Beautiful Types of Red Flowers
More than 1000 types of red flowers are present worldwide. In this article, we will shed light on some of the most beautiful types of red flowers. So, let’s take a look.
You should also check our other article showcasing the 50 most beautiful types of flowers from all around the world with pictures.
1. Red Dahlia (Dahlia Coccinea)
The Dahlia Coccinea is a native of Mexico and a member of the Asteraceae plant family, sometimes recognized as the daisy, multispectral, or composite plant family. However, its cultivars occasionally also blossom in bright red or yellow, this type of dahlia is more often referred to as the red dahlia. The Aztec people previously used this plant’s nourishing tuberous roots regularly.

2. Scarlet Sage (Salvia Splendens)
Salvia Splendens, a different species of the Lamiaceae family of plants and a member of the Salvia genus, is also known as crimson sage. The perennial evergreen is indigenous to Brazil’s highlands and high altitudes, where it always has a warm, muggy climate.
This plant may reach heights of more than 4 feet in the wild; however, cultivars frequently cultivated in gardens are generally smaller. These plants sprout bell-shaped, vivid crimson blooms on spikes. This flower species looks a lot like sweet peas flowers. Using the guide we have shared some time before you can easily grow sweet peas flowers too in your home garden.

3. Blood Sage (Salvia Coccinea)
Salvia Coccinea is a perennial herbaceous member of the minty or sage plant genus (Lamiaceae). It bears racemes with somewhat spread-out, deep-red blooms, serrated muted green leaves, and light hair. Although the shapes of the blooms might vary across varieties, they are commonly tube-shaped. The aromatic blossoms draw hummingbirds, caterpillars, and bees.
Do you know growing creeping phlox could be great for attracting pollinators as well?

4. Bleeding Hearts (Lamprocapnos Spectabilis)
The Lamprocapnos Spectabilis is a blooming shrub-like flowering plant indigenous to Japan, Southeast Asia, Xinjiang, and Siberia. It is also an Asian bleeding heart, bleeding heart, or fallopian buds. It pertains to the wider family’s Fumarioideae subfamily of Papaveraceae (poppy) plant.
Previously, this plant was categorized as belonging to the Dicentra plant genus. Although the plant’s official classification has changed, its former scientific name, Dictra Spectabilis, is still recognized as a synonym.

5. Red Bush Monkeyflower (Diplacus Puniceus)
The Diplacus Puniceus is also referred to as the red bush monkeyflower, San Diego monkeyflower, or missionary diplacus. This is a herbaceous perennial of the lopseed family of plants that has reddish-orange flower flowers that approximately resemble the face of a monkey. These perennial shrubs are endemic to the coastal slopes of southern California and Baja California, where they typically reach heights of two to three feet and a width of three feet.
Don’t you think the name for a flower is pretty unique just like balloon flowers?

6. Anthurium (Anthurium)
Within the Araceae (arum) vegetation family, the Anthurium genus contains over 1,000 species of flowering plants. These plants, which are anthuriums, flamingo flowers, tail flowers, and laceleafs, are indigenous to the tropical Americas. They produce glossy, green foliage that is either heart- or spade-shaped, and its blooms are made up of spathes (a sort of bract) and spadices that are vividly coloured. They are always in bloom in their natural environment.

7. Common Hyacinth (Hyacinth orientalis)
Hyacinth orientalis, often known as the common hyacinth, or garden hyacinth and Dutch hyacinth, . This species, which belongs to the Asparagaceae (asparagus) botanical family, was grown commercially in Netherlands and France. It is a native of a large area of the Middle east.
It is the kind of hyacinth that is now offered for sale and is frequently planted in gardens. Racemes of trumpet-shaped blossoms on hyacinth flowers are prized for their powerful and enticing aroma.
Also Read: How to Grow and Care Passiflora Caerulea (Blue Passionflower)

8. Begonia
The plant genus Begonia belongs to two genera of the Begoniaceae family. The genus Begonia includes more than 2,000 species of blooming perennials that are indigenous to tropical & subtropical regions around the world.
Begonias are widely grown as houseplants and in gardens, and there are many different kinds with very different looks. Their foliages range in color from deep emerald to deep burgundy or red and in texture from silky and shiny to fuzzy and fuzzy.

9. Blanket Flower (Gaillardia)
The Asteraceae plant family comprises the genera Gaillardia, which has roughly 25 species & subspecies of blooming shrub-like plants. These plants are also known as blanket flowers. In both North and South America, they are indigenous. Their flower heads feature a remarkable color gradient in the ray florets that spreads from the purplish-brown center and changes from red to orange to yellow, providing them a pleasant, sunset-like look.

10. Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera Sempervirens)
Lonicera sempervirens is a variety of honeysuckle indigenous to the United States and a member of the Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle plant) family. Common names include coral lilac, trumpet honeysuckle, and red honeysuckle.
The blooming vine grows in pollinator gardens frequently because of its ability to draw hummingbirds and butterflies with its delicious scent. It produces clusters of thin, red, trumpet-shaped blooms that resemble fireworks.

11. Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera)
The Asteraceae plant family, wherein the genus Gerbera, has 22 species of flowering plants, is endemic to the tropical regions of Africa. They are also known as African, Gauteng, and gerbera daisies.
These plants produce large, beautiful flower heads with layers of petals in vivid hues, including red. They are mostly utilized as decorative flowers just like orchids. According to the floral design world, Gerbera flowers are the fifth most popular kind of cut flowers.
Also Read: How to Plant, Grow and Care Poppies

12. Amaranth (Amaranthus)
The Amaranthus genus includes blooming perennial bushes or perennials that generate a wide range of flower varieties and is a member of the Amaranthaceae plant family. As a worldwide genus, these species are known for having a global natural range.
Amaranth is grown in several species for a wide range of purposes. Some are cultivated for their spectacular, drooping flower clusters, which are used for decorative purposes, while others are grown for their very nutritious grains, which are harvested for use in food and dye production.

13. Hibiscus (Hibscus)
The Hibiscus genus is one of the Malvaceae plant family’s many genera and is home to several blooming plant species. Even though hibiscus plants are native to a broad range of tropical, temperate, and moderate temperatures worldwide, the tropics are the region with which they are most frequently associated.
They produce trumpet-shaped, exotic-looking blooms with fluttering petals and protruding stamens. Although the blooms generally bloom in vivid crimson red, they can also be seen in white, pink, and yellow.
There are lot many varieties of hibiscus as well that you can learn once you click on the link. And here’s another guide that will help you learn how to grow hibiscus.

14. Hollyhock (Alcea)
Alcea is a genus of flowers inside the Malvaceae (mallow) plant family that includes more than 80 species of flowers, usually known as hollyhocks. The plant genus Alcea contains only species indigenous to Asia and Europe. Colorful blooms may be seen on hollyhocks.
They grow long, strong stalks with racemes of sizable, bowl-shaped blooms with several petal types that change according to the species. They come into bloom in an array of hues, including crimson.

15. Cockscomb (Celosia)
The Celosia genus of plants, indigenous to tropical Africa, includes varieties of plants valued for both their decorative qualities and their nutritional worth as leafy greens. The kingdom Plantae Amaranthaceae includes this genus.
The term kleos, which means flame in Greek, is where the genus name came from. This is about the inflorescence of the plants, which are generally shaped like flames but sometimes have more flat or rounder shapes. They flower in various vivid hues, including red, magenta, yellow, and tangerine.

16. Tickseed (Coreopsis ‘Red Satin’)
Tickseed or calliopsis are two popular names for the angiosperms genus Coreopsis. The species belong to the family of plants Asteraceae and has between 75 and 80 species.
Although the majority of tickseed blossoms bloom in a vivid, golden-yellow shade, Darrell Probst specifically selected the Coreopsis ‘Red Satin’ to have satiny petals that are a rich shade of crimson.
Also Read: How to Plant, Grow and Care Azalea

17. Scarlet Beebalm (Monarda Didyma)
The Monarda didyma species of scented flowering plant is indigenous to an area in eastern North America that stretches from Maine to Ontario. It is a member of the Lamiaceae plant family, which includes mint and sage. It produces blooms with unusual shapes and tubular petals that draw a range of pollinators.
Scarlet Beebalm blossoms have a pleasant, citrusy scent that is sometimes compared to the aroma of bergamot oranges. If you love fragrance in your garden, you can also grow Rajnigandha. Growing Plumeria is also great if you love flower fragrance.

18. Tulips (Tulipa)
An area from southern Europe through central Asia is where tulips are indigenous. However, due to their widespread use in commerce over the centuries, they have become naturalized today. The Apeldoorn tulips, red empire tulip, and doll’s minuet tulip are a few popular red tulip cultivars.

19. Pineapple Guava (Feijoa Sellowiana)
Feijoa Sellowiana is an evergreen shrub or small tree with flowers that are indigenous to regions of northern South America. It is a member of the Myrtaceae plant family. The tasty, guava-like fruits that the pineapple guava tree produces are how it derives its name.
Desserts like pie or sherbet frequently contain these fruits. They are also consumed as raw salads. The pineapple guava’s blossom petals also are delicious and have a flavor profile that is a little bit sweet and spicy.
If you fancy growing pineapple fruit in your home garden, we have a complete guide for that too. Click on the link and start growing pineapple in your home.

20. Red Aster (Aster Novae-angliae ‘KICKIN Carmine Red’)
The red aster is a hybrid of the Astereae plant family member Symphyotrichum planetary nebulae, formerly known as Aster Novae-angliae. Since it is indigenous to most of the middle west and eastern regions of the American States and Canada, this plant is also known as the New England aster.
Unlike most asters, which have purple, amethyst-colored petals, this variety has been engineered to have scarlet petals.

21. Egyptian Stars (Pentas)
Pentas is a genus of around 16 varieties of blooming plants in the Rubiaceae plant family that are indigenous to the tropical continent of Africa, Madagascar, Arabian Peninsula, and also Comoros. They generate flower clusters and are frequently referred to as Egyptian stars. The distinctively star-shaped blooms have five petals apiece, and in addition to red, certain types also bloom in mauve, white, and violet.
Also Read: A Complete Guide to Grow Balloon Flowers

22. Red Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
The Asteraceae plant family includes the native to the American Hlianthus Annus. This species, sometimes referred to as the common sunflower naturally has big flower heads that are golden or lemony-yellow in color.
Despite a traditional look, the plant has several cultivars and hybrids with gorgeous red, crimson, maroon, and burnt-orange blossoms. Red Wave, Prado Red, Moulin Rouge, Ruby Eclipse, and Eclipse are a few of these red variants.

23. Chocolate Cosmos (Cosmos Astrosanguineus)
The Cosmos Astrosanguineus is amongst the several varieties in the Cosmos genus. This is a perennial herb that belongs to the Asteraceae family. The blood-red flower flowers of this kind of cosmos have maroon, nearly brown cores. This flower, often known as the “chocolate cosmos,” has a sweet perfume similar to that of chocolate.

24. Vervain (Verbena Peruviana)
The Verbena Peruviana variety of vervain is a member of the Verbenaceae plant family. This is known for its scarlet-red flower clusters. Hummingbirds and butterflies are drawn to the blooms by their tremendous attraction. Perennial in nature, this plant thrives as a colorful ground cover. Interestingly, Verbena Peruviana, despite its technical name, is not native to Peru; instead, it naturally grows throughout southern Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Prague, and northern Argentina.
25. Red Trumpet Creeper (Campsis radicans)
The flowering grapevine Campsis radicans is generally a member of the Begoniaceae genus. It is indigenous to the eastern American States. The bushy, deciduous vine has clumps of unique cherry-red blooms with trumpet shapes and bright green leaves. The vine has a 30-foot maximum length. Trumpet vine and trumpets creeper are examples of familiar names.

26. Gloxinia (Gloxinia)
Gloxinia is a genus of only 3 species of herbaceous flowering plants endemic to Central America, the Andes, and the West Indies that belong to the Gesneriaceae plant family. These plants make stunning ornamentals, with clusters of enormous trumpet-shaped blooms blooming on top of luxuriant rosettes of leaves. The blooms have delicately ruffled petals around their borders and can reach lengths of nearly 2 inches.

27. Camellia (Camellia)
A family of blooming shrubs and smaller trees known as Camellia is a member of the Theaceae (tea plant) genus. The genus is believed to include between 200 and 300 species, with a broad range since certain species’ membership in the genus is still up for question. Red, pink, and white camellias have a variety of flower kinds, including single, quasi, and double blooms.

28. Red Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia Hirta ‘Cherry Brandy’)
Rudbeckia hirta is a herbaceous evergreen plant that belongs to the family Asteraceae. This species is native to eastern and central North America. Black-eyed Susans naturally have golden yellow petals with dark, brownish, or almost black centers. Contrarily, the Rudbeckia hirta ‘Cherry Brandy’ cultivar has velvety crimson petals around an almost purple core.

29. Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii)
The Euphorbiaceae (spurge plant) family includes the blooming succulent vegetation Euphorbia milii. Common names for this plant include Christ plant, Christ thorn, and crown of spikes. Euphorbia Milii, initially brought to Europe in the 1800s, is believed to have traveled from its native Madagascar to the Middle East far earlier in human history. The plant’s thickly spiked, woody stems also have blood-red blossom petals around the blooms.

30. Peruvian Lily (Alstroemeria)
The Alstroemeriaceae plant family includes the nearly exclusively perennial blooming plants that comprise the genus Alstroemeria. They are also known as Peruvian lilies or Lilly of the Inca Empire. This genus’ species are all endemic to South America, with sizable populations in eastern Brazil and central Chile. Summertime dormancy is experienced by plants from Chile, whereas plants from Brazil exhibit wintertime dormancy.

Which Types of Red Flowers do you Like the Most?
These are some of the best types of red flowers that you can grow in your home garden. Some have aromatic fragrances while some are so beautiful that you want to look at them every time.
We hope you have enjoyed reading about these magnificent red color flowers. These kinds of flowers add a unique charm to your garden spaces. The flowers have unique shapes and patterns that look attractive. Moreover, these are an excellent option to gift someone on any occasion.
Which one did you like? Do you know any other types of red flowers that you have grown and missed the list? Are any of these you already growing in your home garden? Do let us know in the comments section below.
What type of flower is red?
Rose (Rosa) Amaryllis (Amaryllidaceae), Poppy (Papaver), Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema Grandiflora), Anthurium (Painter’s Palette), Protea (Sugarbushes), Alstroemeria (Peruvian Lily), Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker) are some of the red flowers.
What is the prettiest red flower?
The rose is the prettiest flower and is known as the “queen of the garden” since it is thought to be the most beautiful flower in the entire world. It is among the most well-liked flowers on the planet and is available in various hues and sizes.
What do red flowers symbolize?
The epitome of romanticism is the crimson rose. These lovely flowers come in various colors, with brilliant red denoting love and darker tones, like burgundy, denoting unfulfilled love.
What is the best red flower?
Azalea shrub with red blooms, Red lilies with green leaves, Spiky red astilbe flowers, Hot papaya double red coneflowers, Huge red hardy hibiscus flower, Pretty dark red rose flower, Bee balms with red flowers, and Tulips with deep red flowers are some of the best red flowers to grow in the garden.
What plant has a red flower?
Several annual and perennial plants with red blooms, including Lobelia cardinalis, sometimes known as cardinal flower, belong to the vast genus Lobelia.
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