Have you ever thought of growing pomegranate trees in your backyard or garden? Do you think it is not possible? Well, it is very much possible and this article will help you with how to grow pomegranate tree in your home garden.

Have you ever tasted freshly plucked pomegranate right from the garden? It’s super delicious, free from pesticides, and fresh.
After mango, pomegranate is the second most popular fruit that everybody loves to eat. But did you ever imagine growing pomegranate trees in your garden area?
Many home gardeners give up growing pomegranates in their garden, thinking it’s trickier than they think of growing pineapple at home which is quite easier. At the same time, some think it requires a lot of care and cannot grow in all areas.
If you have the same questions in your mind, then give it a pause and start growing the pomegranate tree in your garden.
How? We will provide you with a step-by-step guide here. The guide helps to grow pomegranate tree in your areas and how you can care for them.
Now say goodbye to the stored pomegranate and grow your pomegranate at your home. Are you ready to taste the freshly plucked pomegranate?
Let’s take a deep dive and start growing. But before that, we would like you to introduce us to some varieties of pomegranate trees that will help you to choose according to the area where you live. Have a look!
Also Read: How to Grow and Care a Pineapple
Varieties of Pomegranate
Punica granatum
There are different varieties of pomegranate trees available. It depends on you which variety you want to grow.
Some gardeners grow pomegranate trees to sell the fruit, while some want to grow just for ornamental values.
Based on your needs, here are the three most common varieties of pomegranate trees that you can grow in your location.
1. Wonderful Pomegranate
This is the most common variety of pomegranate trees grown by farmers. The pomegranates of this variety are highly popular in the US and other countries. This variety requires a moderate climate to grow ideally.
So, this variety can be a source of income for some farmers. This variety is the best if you want to grow pomegranate trees for commercial purposes.
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2. Nana Pomegranate
The name indicates this is the most miniature pomegranate tree. This can only reach a height of three feet only.
However, the best thing about this plant is it can easily adapt to cold climate regions. But this tree produces small pomegranates; this is why the variety doesn’t fit for eating purposes.
You can select this variety for ornamental values and enhance the beauty of your garden spaces.
3. Sweet Pomegranate
As the name signifies, this variety produces the sweetest pomegranate and is even sweeter than other pomegranate trees.
However, the taste is not up to the mark if you expect a tart pomegranate fruit. The variety of the tree is excellent for gardening purposes.

These are varieties that you can choose from to grow pomegranate tree in your garden. We would suggest you go for the last one as it does not grow so big and produces the sweetest fruits that you can relish.
When to Plant a Pomegranate
The Pomegranate plant grows excellently in a tropical climate. So, when you think of planting a tree, let the frost condition pass. Also, ensure that the soil is loose enough to hold the seed and supply air.
Check the soil before seeding. If compact, use a rake cultivator to loosen up the soil. You can also use hands and shovels to lose soil. Preparing the soil is the most important task before planting anything.
Check our guide on how to prepare the soil for planting the fruits.

When the temperature starts rising, sow the seeds and start caring for the seed. Supply water and fertilizer timely to support the growth of the plant.
The pest can attack the plant’s leaves, so it would be great to use organic pesticides to keep a check on the pest.
How to Plant Pomegranate
There are many methods that help you to plant and grow pomegranate trees. However, the one we are mentioning is the easiest and most popular way to plant a pomegranate tree.
To start with, you need to purchase a sapling from a nursery. Make sure you purchase a healthy plant from the nursery that are at least 1 – 3 years old.
Height should be around 1 – 4 feet. This would be an ideal sapling that you can look forward to planting in your garden.
Bare root plants are also readily available in nurseries. Pomegranate plants have a shallow root system, and once they mature, they develop the taproot system.
When the plant is mature enough to grow in the open environment, transplant them into the soil.
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For transplanting, dig out a hole in the soil. Make sure it is wider enough to hold the roots. Now, add compost and manure to make the soil fertile. If you have the potted plant, carefully take the plant out of the pot and put them into the soil.
However, if you have the bare root plant, then do ensure to seat them in the depth of the soil. Fill the hole with the soil and pour some water.
In a hot climate, make sure to provide enough water in the first year. One or two inches of water in a week should be sufficient to grow the sapling.
And that’s how you can plant pomegranate tree from the saplings you purchased from the nursery.
The next section will help you with how to grow a pomegranate tree and some caring tips to ensure a healthy tree.
How to Grow Pomegranate
Now, it’s time to plan how to grow pomegranate plants carefully. So, here is the stepwise guide that you can follow to grow a pomegranate tree.
These are some growing tips as well that will help you in growing the tree.
1. Spacing Between Trees is Necessary
Suppose you want to plant several trees at one place, and then make sure there are 15-20 feet between the trees. This helps to grow plants properly.
However, if you have selected small shrub varieties for ornamental values, it would be great to plant trees six to nine feet.
This helps to provide sufficient space between the trees and let them grow to the fullest.
2. Watering At Regular Interval
When you plant the tree, do ensure to supply adequate water for a few months. It would be great to supply water twice a week during the growing season.
Generally, pomegranate trees can survive in dry soil but keep the soil moist. Avoid excessive water supply because it can be dangerous for the plant and may develop fungus in the roots.
Related: What are the Growth Stages of a Lemon Tree?
3. Let Plants Bath in Sunlight
For optimum growth, pomegranate plants require proper sunlight. So, make sure to choose those locations in your garden where the plant can receive six hours of sunlight.
It would be great to keep them in partially shaded locations. Plants grow even better under the sunlight.
These are some of the tips that will help you to grow pomegranate tree with utmost care. Next in our article is how to care for your pomegrante tree. Keep on reading!
How to Care for Pomegranate Tree
Pomegranate trees require care at every step or when you plant them. Here are some pomegranate tree care tips that help you successfully grow a healthier plant. Have a look!
1. Plant Care at Early Stage
Ensure to supply an adequate amount of water to the plant during the first two months. It helps to keep them hydrated and fresh for longer.
Check your plant regularly; if they are drying, supply water immediately. Drying can affect the growth of the plant and may make them dull.
But avoid overwatering because it may invite fungal infection and result in stunted growth. Once your plant starts maturing, reduce the water quantity and possibly water once a week. Make sure that the soil remains moist and aerated.
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2. Pomegranate Plant Care Twice a Year
When your plant gets six months old or more, do ensure to provide adequate fertilizers into the soil. This helps to maintain the nutrient supply and allows plants to grow properly.
Though pomegranate plants can survive in any form of soil, supplying fertilizers can help replenish the minerals and vital nutrients. This helps to support the growth of the plant.
In addition to this, monitor the pH level of the soil. Do ensure it supports the plant and is not much acidic.
Supply fertilizer at least twice a year when the plant is growing. When it starts fruiting, you can shift it to once a year.
Do not add excessive fertilizers because they may damage the plant roots. As a result, plants cannot survive to prosper and may die.
3. Timley Pruning
Pruning depends on the growth of the pomegranate tree. However, you can prune your plant when you see dead twigs and leaves. Ensure to remove the suckers from the plant and maintain the tree’s shape. You can cut some of the branches to encourage the plant’s growth.
Pruning helps promote the growth of the plant and fruit. Moreover, if you notice any stem and leaves affected with diseases, then cut them down to prevent infection from spreading into other parts.
Even lemon requires timely pruning for the optimum growth of the plant.
Do you know lemon grows in 8 stages before bearing fruit?

4. Control Pest Attack And Diseases
Pomegranate can resist pest attacks and diseases. However, sometimes it may be attacked by pests such as mealy bugs, scale, and whiteflies.
They affect the young plant, so it is best to protect your plant from harmful impact.
Avoid too much watering to the plant as it results in fungus growth and affects the plant’s growth. Soft rot also occurs by the fungus infection.
Usually, bugs feed on dead branches and leaves. So, make sure to perform pruning timely to avoid such infection.
You can use biological methods to control pests and insects. Alternatively, use organic insecticides and pesticides to prevent the spreading of diseases and infection.
How to Harvest Pomegranate
The most exciting part of growing pomegranates is harvesting. The fruits may take five to seven months to mature completely.
However, the biggest challenge you may face is knowing if the fruit is ready for harvesting? There is not much color change that signifies your fruit is ready for harvesting.
So, to know if fruits are ripe, you can follow some gradual changes such as:
- Look at the shape of the pericarp layer. It turns into angular form and gets a smooth texture. The color of the upper layer becomes dark red.
- Look at the fruit weight. It gets heavy when mature.
If you see these signs, then the fruit is ready to harvest. You can use garden shears to cut the stem close to the fruit.
Avoid using sharp tools as they may damage the branches. Keep the fruit in the collection container carefully. You can do bruising if required.

Leaves of the pomegranate have medicinal value. This is why people harvest the leaves of the pomegranate too. However, leaves are easy to harvest and can be harvested in any season.
How to Store and Preserve Pomegranate
Pomegranate can stay fresh for longer without any preservatives. However, it’s worth properly storing them for excellent results.
Ideally, pomegranate stays fresh and juicy for two weeks at room temperature. However, if you want to keep them fresh for longer, then store them in refrigerators.
Keeping them cool can help lock the freshness for longer, and you can enjoy fresh fruit for longer.
The second best way to store them is to remove the outer cover and store arils in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It is ready to eat, and the arils remain fresh for more than five days.

Bear this in mind; arils release a lot of juice which can stain your clothes. So, if possible, then store them in air-tight containers only.
Moreover, if you want to store it for longer, then make the jams and jellies to preserve it. You can also sun-dry the arils and use them later.
Bottom Line: Let’s Grow Pomegranate Tree without Thinking!
So, hope you’ve enjoyed reading about the growing and caring tips of the pomegranate tree. If you have decided to grow pomegranate tree, follow this guide and start growing.
Carefully examine the area where you want to grow pomegranate tree, and be sure to take care of the plant during the growing season.
Maintain the supply of water and vital nutrients during plant growth time. This helps to nourish the fruiting buds and keep the plant healthy. Though it can resist diseases, it would be great to protect them from pest attacks by spraying pesticides timely.
Also, select the best variety of pomegranate trees that can grow in your region properly and flourish in environmental conditions.
Do let us know your thoughts about the article? Also, will you grow pomegranate tree in your home garden? Does this idea fancy you?
How much time will it take for the pomegranate tree to give fruits?
It takes around two to three years to give fruits for the first time. Also, note that it takes around six to seven months for the pomegranate fruit to mature.
Does a lot of water is needed to grow pomegranate trees?
For healthy growth, you should give at least one inch of water to pomegranate trees.
What natural fertilizer should I give to pomegranate trees?
Vegetable plant food and organic tomatoes are great sources of fertilizers that you can give to grow a healthy pomegranate tree.
How much sun is required for a pomegranate tree?
Full sun is required for optimum growth of the pomegranate tree. Plant them where it gets at least six hours of sunlight every day.
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