Are you in love with the variegated monstera plant? Ever think of how to grow variegated monstera at home? Don’t know where to start from? Well, this guide will help you learn how to grow variegated monstera easily. Keep reading!
There is nothing more beautiful than a variegated monstera plant. The shape of the leaves and the big holes enhance the beauty of this plant. Though it looks like a particular plant, the growing requirement is similar to any other plant.
However, they still require a bit more care and adequate light to grow to the fullest. Variegated monstera is a rare species, but one can find it fascinating and has huge ornamental values. Therefore, if you want to grow variegated monstera in your home garden or indoor spaces, we’ve compiled the complete guide on how to do that.

So, let’s dive in and read the complete guide to growing this plant successfully. But before that, we would learn why variegations occur. And are there different types of variegated monstera also?
Why do Variegations Occur in Monstera?
Some plants have variegation naturally because of their DNA such as prayer plants, snake plants, and others. But in Monstera spaces, variegation happens due to genetic mutation, which prohibits plant tissues from producing chlorophyll into leaves.
Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives green color and results in photosynthesis in plants. Some spots of monstera leaves don’t have chlorophyll, whereas, at some spots, chlorophyll is present. As a result, you see large holes or variegation in the monstera leaves.
This type of variegation is commonly called chimaera variegation. Chimaera refers to the plant which contains cells having different genetics.

Variegated Monstera Varieties to Grow
Just like other big leaf indoor plants, there are different varieties of variegated monstera species with vivid leaf structures available to grow in your garden spaces. Have a look at those and choose which one you want to grow in your home.
However, the bigger the leaves, the bigger the care they want. Have a look at our guide on how to take care of big leaf plants properly.
1. Monstera Deliciosa “Variegata”

The species is also famous by the name “Albo Variegata.” The leaves have white or cream color patches on the leaves. Some leaves do have half white and half green color.
Nurseries sow many Monstera deliciosa seeds to produce new “Variegata” plants. After that, they examine the seedlings for genetic changes. Rarely do plants become variegated; only one in every 6,000 plants do so.
2. Monstera Deliciosa “Albo Borsigiana”

This is genuinely a subspecies of the plant Monstera deliciosa. The plant tends to grow faster and has smaller leaves than other varieties. It’s a variegated form of the plant species “Borsigiana.” The leaves of this species are smaller than other varieties of the plant. Besides this, it also has dark green color leaves with white patches.
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3. Monestera Deliciosa “Thai Constellation”

The species was named so because of the creamy white texture splotches on the leaves that resemble the stary sky. This variety of plants is produced through tissue culturing in the lab in Thailand. This is why it is named “Thai Constellation.”
This variety of plants has gained popularity in recent years. Nowadays, it has become extremely popular all over the internet. Moreover, in 2020, this plant is also selected as the “favorite new foliage plant” exhibition of the Tropical Plant Industry in Florida.
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4. Mint Monstera

Perhaps the most uncommon of these plant species is the mint monstera. It features light mint green coloring mixed with the monstera’s customary dark green color rather than white, creamy, or yellow striations.
Find a trusted vendor first before purchasing a Mint Monstera. Albo Monsteras can be made to look like Mint monsteras with simple photo editing programs.
5. Monstera Deliciosa “Aurea” or Marmorata

The “Aurea” is for you if you enjoy houseplants with yellow variegations. This variety is also known as “Marmorata” on occasion. Whatever name you give it, this plant has a striking dark emerald and yellow color scheme. The yellow variegations might appear on little areas of tissue or the part of the leaf, just like the ‘Albo’ variations.
These are some of the variegated monstera varieties available worldwide that look eye pleasing. Choose any of these that are easy to grow in your region.
Just like Monstera, there is another plant called Philodendron that has big leaves and comes in variegated quality too. Have a look at our guide on how to grow philodendron if you can find the variegated monstera easily where you live.
How to Grow Variegated Monstera Successfully From Cuttings?
Now, that you have an idea of how does the variation comes in monstera plants and the types available, choose the one where you live. So, without any further adieu, here is the complete guide on how to grow variegated monstera in your garden spaces.
Step 1: Cut Out Healthy Cuttings
To find out if variegated monstera cuttings are available, get in touch with nearby gardening nurseries. Search the web for auctioneer or plant websites that sell cuttings if they don’t. Make sure the cutting you purchase has at least one leaf and a few of the plant’s stems so that it can grow roots. Choose a green cutting that isn’t dry or shriveled feeling.
- Variegated monstera cannot be grown from seed since it is a mutant. If you come across variegated monstera seedlings for sale, stay away from them.
- From well-stocked nurseries, you might be able to obtain a very little variegated monstera.
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Step 2: Put The Stem Cutting in Water to Grow Roots

Place the stem cutting into the vase full of tap water to propagate the cutting. Be sure that the bottom of the stem cutting is wholly submerged in water. Once you are done with this step keep the plant under indirect sunlight. Let the plant cuttings grow properly for a few weeks or unless roots are developed. Do not forget to change the water after a few days because the water may become smelly.
Step 3: Select an Ideal Pot to Transplant the Stem Cuttings With Roots

You could choose glazed ceramic, plastic, or terra cotta, depending on your climate. A ceramic tiles pot may dry up rapidly in a hot area, so you might want to use one made of plastic or glazed ceramic to retain moisture. Regardless of the pot you select, be sure it includes drainage holes. Root rot can be stopped by having enough drainage.
Looking to choose pots for succulents? Here’s the guide on how to choose pots for succulents the right way.
Step 4: Prepare a Soil Mix for Plant
Mix 3 parts of the potting soil with three/two parts vermiculite, pumice, or sand to help water drainage from the soil. This soil mixture prevents the roots from rotting by keeping nutrients close to the growing root system and allowing excess water to drain.
Advice: To improve drainage, add 1/2 part perlite, gravel, or sand to the soil if you routinely overwater your plants.
Also, read our guide on how to prepare soil for planting in pots that might help you here.
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Step 5: Transplant Cutting Into the Soil
This step is optional and for those only who want to put their variegated monstera in the garden spaces otherwise it grows well in indoor spaces as well. Place the cutting with roots in the pot with the roots touching the soil, about 1/3 of the way full of the soil mixture. Hold the cutting of the plant in place while you add enough soil mixture to encircle it.
The soil mixture should be added until the container is now almost full. After that, water the new variegated monstera plants until the drainage openings are dry. Ensure the soil mixture covers the cutting’s bottom four inches (7.6 cm).
These are all the steps that you need to take care if you want to grow monstera delicosa. Now, let’s move on other part that will help you learn taking caring of the plant.
How to Care for Variegated Monstera Plant?
You may need to be extra careful while growing this variegated monstera plant. Here are some variegated monstera plant caring tips that help to care for this plant properly.
1. Place the Pot In Warm Areas

If your neighborhood doesn’t experience cold temperatures, you can leave the plant inside or move the pot outside. Although it can withstand most climates, the plant will grow most rapidly at temperatures from 65 and 85 °F (18 and 29 °C).
If it’s extremely hot or cold outside, keep the pot away from heaters, air conditioners, and large windows. For the plant, try to keep the temperatures consistent and warm.
2. Keep the Plant where it Receives Indirect Light
The white portion of the leaves and stems requires more sunlight than other monstera kinds since it cannot photosynthesize. Set it far from the panes or use a curtain or cover to block the light to stop the foliage from burning. If you maintain your plant outdoors, keep it away from direct sunlight as the leaves are quickly burned.
3. Water Plant Regularly to Prevent Drying of Soil

Every few weeks or days, check on the plant and touch the top two inches of soil with the fingertips. If they seem dry, water them till the soil seems moist, stopping when water starts draining from the pot’s drainage holes.
It’s preferable to slightly let the plant dry between watering than to water it. Run a mister or mist the plant’s leaves with spray once a day if your house has warm temperatures or low humidity and it starts to curl.
4. Add Fertilizers Once in Two or Three Months
During the summertime or spring season, choose a nutrient solution made for houseplants and apply it to the plant’s soil roughly every two months. Only add fertilizer to the plant once every three months to avoid over-fertilizing it in the winter.
The frequency of fertilization with variegated fertilizer is almost half that of ordinary monstera plants. Over-fertilizing can cause salt to collect around the roots, preventing plants from taking up water.
5. Turn the Pot in Light Direction after Few Weeks

You may detect that now the monstera’s side that catches more sunlight develops more. Rotate the pitcher a half turn every two to three weeks to ensure your plant grows equally on all sides.
6. Repot if the Plants Roots Protrude out from Drainage Holes

Verify that the roots aren’t emerging from the pot’s drainage holes by looking at them. If they are, acquire a bigger container and fill it with three parts: vermiculite, sand, gravel, and potting soil. Place the plant in the larger pot after removing it from its current. After that, add soil mixture to it and hydrate the plant.
The slow growth of variegated monstera plants means that you probably won’t need to medium the plant for several years.
These are some of the variegated monstera caring tips that will make sure your plant is in the healthy condition all the time.
How to Save Variegated Monstera from Pests and Diseases?
The only problem with variegated Monstera is that it is prone to several pest attacks. Therefore, you must follow the right treatment methods to avoid such a condition. Let’s look to know what kind of pest and disease can affect the plant’s growth.
1. Yellow Leaves
There may be a lot of reasons why your leaves’ green areas are turning yellow. Overwatering Monstera trees can cause root rot, resulting in leaves becoming yellow. Don’t water until the top 2 centimeters of soil are completely dry. Your plant not getting enough sun is yet another potential reason. Consider shifting your plant to a sunnier spot.
2. Root Rotting

Variegated monsters detest being in soggy ground. If so, they might get root rot. If you dug it up, you would discover the plant’s roots are mushy and decaying. However, this isn’t always feasible, and the rot is now severe.
Yellowing leaves, brown patches, and slowed development are a few indicators that your plant might have root rot. These signs of root rot occur when your plant cannot absorb the nutrition, water, and oxygen it requires to flourish.
Water your plants until the top inch or so of soil is dry to avoid root rot. Use a well-draining garden soil that enables extra water to drain as well.
Can we make a monstera plant variegated?
When a cell undergoes a mutation and then creates other cells that share the same DNA, variation in Monstera plants results. Avoid doing this yourself, while exposure to various substances may enhance the likelihood that cells will mutate.
What causes variegation in the Monstera plant?
A gene variant that prevents a portion of the plant’s cells from making chlorophyll is the underlying reason for variation in Monstera plants. The substance that provides plants with their green hue is called chlorophyll.
Which variety of monstera is expensive?
Due to the difficulty in growing variegated Monstera seedlings and the scarcity of certain botanical traits, these plants are frequently out of stock, which drives up the price compared to a conventional Monstera plant.
How much light does variegate Monstera require to grow properly?
These plants struggle to absorb the necessary light since they lack the chloroplast as other Monsteras do. It’s imperative that you give them ample light as a result. Choose a location in your house that gets plenty of bright, indirect light during the day.
What is the cost of variegated Monstera?
You may have to pay around $1500 to get the mutant variety of variegated monstera.
Would you Grow Variegated Monstera?
Now, you know complete details about how to grow variegated monstera with easy steps. You can easily grow them in your garden spaces.
However, you need to take care of this plant a bit extra and timely spray insecticidal spray to keep them away from pest attacks.
In addition, regularly add water to the roots and ensure nutrition to the soil to maintain its ideal growth. Don’t miss adding this plant to your list.
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