Want to grow Rajnigandha flower in your home garden? Don’t know where to start from? Well, you are at the right place, this article will help you learn all the techniques on how to grow Rajnigandha flower. Keep on reading!
Rajnigandha is also known as Polianthes Tuberosa or Tuberose and Nishigandha. It’s a perennial plant whose extract is used to create perfume. In India, it means fragrant at night. Rajnigandha plants are native to Mexico and immensely used for making perfumes.

Here is a quick guide if you want to grow this plant in your garden spaces. In this guide, we’ve covered everything from growing tips to caring tips that help grow this plant easily in your location. So, let’s get started.
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How to Grow Rajnigandha Flower?
Unquestionably, sweet-smelling plants are the most popular additions for people to make to their gardens. You can pick numerous plants, such as dendrobiums, spearmints, melaleuca, and lemon balms, to ensure that your nose is filled with the ideal smell each time you visit your lovely garden. Tuberose, also known as Rajnigandha, is one such plant.
Rajnigandha flowers can blossom completely and produce fragrant flowers in about 2 months with the right care and nutrition. They may be raised either in pots or by burying them underground. Let’s examine each of these approaches separately.
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Step 1: Prepare Potting Soil
Rajnigandha planting soil needs to be nutrient-dense and well-draining so that it can clear extra water from the drainage holes.
Rajnigandha is a strong feeder and needs a lot of nourishing ingredients to blossom and develop healthily. It doesn’t have any further soil requirements besides that. To prepare potted soil for Rajnigandha, you can combine the following elements.
Garden Soil- 30%
Coco Peat- 30%
Perlite- 10%
This one has adequate fertilizer and decent soil conditions. In addition to this, make sure soil pH doesn’t exceed 6.5-7.5 with excellent drainage. The place should be completely protected from the winds.
Here’s one more guide that will let you learn to make a potting mix for the pots.
Step 2. Choose the Sunny Location
Make sure to choose those locations where the plant can receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight during the daytime.
The plant is native to a warm climate, and you need to move the plant to shade places when the plant shows drying and withering condition before the growing season end.
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Step 3. Start Growing
Rajnigandha bulbs proliferate underneath and are consequently easily available from a nursery or from someone who currently grows them, you can gather a few high-quality bulbs.

It is crucial to find a spot in the yard or balcony that receives enough direct sunshine for at least 5 to 6 hours daily because they are sun-loving plants. You need to ensure that the soil or container drains well before planting the bulbs in the field or a pot.
Rajnigandha can be planted in any container larger than eight inches, according to the experts, who also warn that if you don’t, the water may stagnate and cause the bulbs to rot.

You can also make a potting mixture by mixing coco peat, red soil, and compost in a 2:1:1 ratio. Almost all garden plants respond favorably to this mixture, especially blooming plants.
Animal manure, such as cow dung, can also be used in place of compost. Make sure to leave adequate room between each bulb when growing Rajnigandha so that they can all receive the nutrition they need to grow healthily. Water the soil after transplanting the bulbs to ensure it is sufficiently moist for plant germination. Only water it when the soil appears dry when it starts to grow.
Step 4. Water Your Plant Sparingly
Keep watering thoroughly as your plant grows. Ensure to add water 1-1.5 inches every week. It also requires frequent watering. Also, maintain the soil dry and do not let the soil dry off completely. Within a few weeks, the roots of the plant will develop, which allows the plant to handle a huge amount of water.
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You can reduce the quantity of water when rain occurs. Try to avoid overwatering the plant to maintain its ideal growth.
Once it is grown enough you can transplant the plant into the soil if you want to grow it in your garden. If you want to learn how to grow Rajnigandha flower in pots, you should check our next section.
How to Grow Rajnigandha Flower in Pots?
Do not want to sow the Rajnigandha bulbs in the garden? Or maybe a lack of space in your home? Don’t worry you can grow Rajnigandha flower in pots as well. Read the below guide on how to grow Rajnigandha flower in pots.
1. It is advised to use pots with a height of at least 8 inches tall while using pots. This aids the Rajnigandha bulbs in becoming sufficiently buried in the soil. Additionally, each pot may hold up to two bulbs. Each bulb has the potential to produce up to three spikes of fragrant flowers.
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2. Now let’s discuss soil. While you may grow Rajnigandha using ordinary gardening soil, utilizing the right soil mix can considerably enhance its growth.
We advise dividing the soil mixture into three crucial components: one part garden soil, one part coco peat, and one part vermicompost. Before putting the bulbs in the vases, thoroughly combine these three ingredients.
3. After that, insert a solitary Rajnigandha or tuberose bulb, pointy end facing upright, into the garden soil. Ensure the bulb is buried in the soil mixture for at least one inch. Put the second bulb in place a little distance from the initial one. For the second bulb, follow the same procedure.
4. Water the pot liberally the first time when the bulbs are perfectly positioned. Watering should only be done the second time you see that the soil has dried out and lost its moisture. Avoid soaking the soil too much with water as this can lead to the bulbs rotting.
5. Rajnigandha is one of the heavy feeder plants, so you may need to apply fertilizer in the ratio of 8:8:8 to grow this plant actively. The flower generally appears in mid to late summer. Ideally, it takes around 90-120 days to show flowering.
6. Always place the Rajnigandha near the window so plants can receive sunlight properly. Make sure to maintain a temperature between 65-85 degrees.
These are the things that you need to take care of if you want to grow Rajnigandha flower in pots. Let’s discuss caring tips in the next section.
How to Take Care of Rajnigandha Bulbs?
Here are some caring tips that help grow your Rajnigandha plant properly. Check them out and follow them regliosiouly to grow a healthy Rajnigandha plant.
1. Water your plant regularly at regular intervals if rainfall doesn’t occur weekly.
2. Add fertilizers into the soil regularly during the growing season. Also, ensure to follow the ratio of 8:8:8 during the growing season.
3. Rajnigandha flowers bloom during the mid-summer. The flowers of the plant create a magnificent scent. You can cut these flowers to use in vases and bouquets. Cutting the flowers doesn’t damage the Rajnigandha plant. Use sharp shear to remove flowers.
4. After the blossom period, let the foliage intact on the plant unless it dies completely. Make sure to water continually. The foliage provides adequate nutrition to the bulbs. If you cut it, ten bulbs will not flower next year.
5. When the leaves of the plant turned to yellow, it will be safe to cut them. Carefully remove the blubs after the first frost of the season.
6. Add a layer of mulch to maintain the humidity and keep the plant moist.

How to Care for the Rajnigandha from Pest and Diseases?
Regular crop monitoring is necessary to prevent pest and disease-free fields. As a resilient crop, tuberose is less susceptible to pests, illnesses, and insect attacks.
A 0.1% spraying of malathion or roger applied every two weeks will reduce aphids and grasshoppers that feed on flower buds and young foliage. Red spider mites feed on plant sap, turning the leaves yellow or brass.
Red spider mites, which feed on plant sap, are one of the few other common pests attached to the plant.
They are controlled by applying Metasystox, soluble in aqueous sulfur or Keithan. Thrips harm the bloom, which is eventually managed by applying nuvacron to the air or thime damage shoots to the soil.
How to Harvest Rajnigandha?
Rajnigandha is mostly grown for its loose blooms and flower spike. When quite a few blooms have opened on the spike, and it is time to harvest the tuberose for flower spike selling, the spikes are removed from the base.
Individual flower picking is finished between 4.0 and 8.0 in the morning. It has a two to five-day shelf life.

What are the Benefits of the Rajnigandha Plant?
Do you know there are many great benefits of having Rajnigandha plant at home? Check them out below and know that Rajnigandha is not only for their beautiful flowers but many other things too.
- Rajnigandha flower oil is helpful in relieving anxiety and stress. It is also helpful to calm down disturbed nerves.
- The oil extracted from this plant is helpful in reducing inflammation and nervous system-related disorders.
- The essential oil is also helpful in increasing blood circulation in the body.
- The flowers on Rajnigandha have been used to make perfume and aromatic compounds.
- It also has diuretic properties, and its bulbs are also used as an emetic, anti-gonorrhea, and helpful in reducing rashes in the infant.
Ain’t the benefits great? Don’t you think that you should have a few Rajnigandha plants at home too?

Would you Grow Rajnigandha Flower?
We’re hoping that these instructions on how to grow Rajnigandha flower at home will make it simple for you to grow so you can enjoy its lovely bloom. Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about this wonderful resource as well.
Also, if you have any confusion, do let us know in the comments section below. We will try to resolve it as soon as possible.
How much time Rajnigandha take to grow?
Once you plant Rajnigandha bulbs, it will take around 90-120 days before its first bloom.
Do I need to plant Rajnigandha in sunlight?
Yes, Rajnigandha is one variety of plant that loves a good amount of sunlight every day for optimum growth. It is advisable to plant Rajnigandha where there’s an ample amount of sunlight every day.
What are the benefits of Rajnigandha?
There are many benefits of having Rajnigandha. A few of them are the flowers used in decoration, essential oils, and even pan masala. Not only that, oils are used for many Ayurvedic medicines, drinks, toothpaste, etc.
Why my Rajnigandha plant is not blooming?
Rajnigandha plants become dormant in the winter season because the sunlight is not apt as much as they need. The best practice is to grow Rajnigandha flowers in the month of March and September.
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