Do you love orchids? Have a few in your home but don’t know much about orchid care? We know how disheartening it is to see plants die in front of you. This is the reason we thought to create a guide on how to care for orchids. The below guide will help you to know more about orchids and how to take care of them. So, keep reading!
Orchids are best known for their beauty and fragrance. It comes in various colors, sizes, and shapes and is also famous for the name houseplant. There are more than 22,000 species available to decorate your gardens just like hibiscus. This plant is very easy to grow if provided with proper conditions.
Also Read: How to Grow Hibiscus [Ultimate Guide & Caring Tips]
At the same time, caring for the plant is quite trickier. If you want to grow healthy flowers, here are some caring tips that you need to follow. Once you read the below guide and apply the tips we have mentioned, we are sure that the orchids will be healthier and prettier than ever.
Let’s read the entire guide and keep your plant healthy in all seasons.
Create an Optimum Environment to Grow Orchids
The first thing you need to keep in mind while caring for orchids is giving them the right kind of atmosphere in which they flourish. We try to do that but still miss a few things but not after you will read our below section.
1. Keep the Pot in South-East Facing Windows
Orchids require bright indirect sunlight to grow properly. Hence, you can keep them near the southeast-facing windows where they can receive the right intensity of sunlight without causing sunburn. However, if you don’t have such windows or have west-facing windows, try to cover your plant with curtains to protect them from the sun’s scorching heat.
If possible, then keep your pot in north-facing windows.
Also Read: How to Choose Succulent Pots the Right Way

2. Use Well-drainage Holes
The pot in which you will grow your orchids must have drainage holes. This helps run out extra water from the port and keep your plant root aerated. If you don’t use a well-drainage holes pot, the Orchid plant’s roots will get damaged, and you may need to report them.
Use any pan under the pot if you don’t want the spelling issues.
3. Maintain Optimum Temperature Required for Growth (60–75 °F)
An orchid is delicate and doesn’t survive in an extremely cold region. We know that with time and season, the temperature varies. However, if possible, try to maintain the ideal temperature between 60–75 °F. It would help to grow the plant to the fullest.

4. Use Quick Draining Potting Mix for Orchids
For orchids, you can choose the fast-draining moss-based potting medium or a dark-based potting medium. These kinds of potting mixes are well-drained and prevent waterlogging conditions. However, these are prone to break. The moss-based medium is helpful to retain moisture. First, however, you need to take care of the watering.
Check out some of the best soil preparation tips for planting in pots.
5. Maintain Air Circulation
Since the orchids grow into the potting mix in indoor places, you need to provide proper air circulation to maintain healthy roots. You can keep your windows open to provide adequate air required for growth. If you are placing them opposite the windows, then use an overhead fan that helps to oscillate air.
You may need to report them if they aren’t growing properly.

These are some of the tips that you need to take care of when placing your orchid plant. Ensuring these things will help you to grow a healthy orchid plant and result in better flowering.
Tips for Watering, Feeding, and Pruning Orchids
In this section, we will be featuring all the tips that you need to take care of when you water or feed nutrients to your orchid plant. Keep on reading!
1. Add Fertilizers Once a Month
Always use the fertilizer and feed your plants with a balanced mixture of fertilizers during the growing season or when they start blooming. Use the fertilizer ratio such as 10:10:10 or 20:20:20. This would be enough to grow your orchids properly. Ideally, add fertilizer once a month or after several days.
Keep a check on the nutrient level to successfully supply proper nutrients and grow orchids. Once the flowering is done, you can stop adding fertilizer or provide less water.
Also Read: How to Preserve Flowers [8 Easy Ways]

2. Mist at Regular Interval
Orchids love humidity, so ensure maintaining the ideal humidity level in your indoor spaces. You can try misting with a spray bottle to create the humidity effect at your places. Before that, ensure to check the humidity level at your place. If it is below 40%, take a spray bottle and start misting.
Use a hygrometer to count the humidity level. But if the humidity level is high or more than 40%, use the dehumidifier in your rooms to prevent the growth of fungus and other microbes that damage the roots.
3. Cut Dead Stems and Flowers Timely
An orchid doesn’t grow on the same stem again. Once it produces flowers, the stem becomes dead. However, the Palaenoposis species of orchids is opposite to this; when the orchids bloom, the stem divide into two and rejoins later so that flowers can continue to blossom.
However, if you are using any other species, then ensure to cut the dead twigs and stems timely to ensure proper flowering. If you are using a variety of orchids such as Pesudobulbs, then do ensure to cut the stem just above the Pesudobulbs. These are thickened stems present at the base of growth.
You can cut the whole stem slightly close to the potting mix for other varieties. Use a sterilized knife to cut the stem.

4. Keep the Soil Moist
Watering an orchid doesn’t depend on the number of days; rather depends on drying. An orchid grows well in moist soil. So, try to add 1 to two inches of water into the potting medium just when the mix is about to dry. However, you need to avoid overwatering the plant.
When you pour water into the potting mix, ensure that it soaks well. If you notice any stagnant water, then immediately dump it out. Timely check the humidity level, climate, and potting mix to ensure how much water you need to add per week. Always use a transparent pot as it helps to determine when is the right time water is for your plant.
Also Read: How to Prepare Soil for Planting in Pots [Easy Ways]
Let’s move to the next section where we will discuss how to control pests and diseases in orchid plants./
Tips to Control Pest and Diseases in Orchids
We all know how difficult it is to keep your beloved plants from pests and diseases, this is the same case with orchid plants. The below tips will help you to keep a check on any kind of disease in orchids. These caring tips for orchids make sure you won’t deal with pests. Have a look!
1. Hand Pick Mealybugs and Insects
If you see the mealybugs and insects around your plant, remove them with your hands. Look for the signs such as sooty mold and sticky leaves. They may be present on the top of the leaves and flower stalks.
2. Clean Leaves with Soap Water
If you don’t want to pick out insects by hand, use soap water. Be sure to add room temperature water into the soap. Take a cotton cloth and dip it into the solution. Gently wipe out the flower stalk and leaves.

3. Spray Insecticide on Orchids
Even if the insect remains on the plant after cleaning soapy water and still notice the insect infestation sign, choose the insecticide and spray it on the plant. Before spraying insecticide, follow all the precautions to keep yourself safe.
4. Check on Diseases
Notice the signs of the disease on your orchid plant. If the leaves are discolored and have brown color rust, then these are a sign of diseases. Foremost, remove the infected tissues if required. Always use the sterilized knife to cut the disease’s stems, leaves, and flowers. Properly dispose of them so that it doesn’t infect other plants.
5. Use Fungicides and Bactericide
Orchid leaves can be affected by bacterial and other forms of microbial infections. The common signs are black rot, brown rot, and rotted leaves. Root rotting and late blight are some of the indications of fungus infection. You can also use fungicides and bactericides to kill bacteria.

Take Care of Orchids Like a Boss
These are some of the best caring tips on how to care for orchids that help you enjoy the beautiful orchid for a longer time. In addition to this, you can maintain the right environment and provide proper nutrients to grow them in your indoor space. Always use a fast-draining pot to avoid water logging conditions as it may damage the roots of the plants. This, in turn, affects the growth of the plant.
We hope all these tips on how to care for orchids will help you to grow healthy orchid plants with lots of flowers. If you have any other orchid caring tips that you feel we have missed, please let us know in the comments section below and we will update our article.
Till then, Happy Gardening!
1. How often do I need to give water to orchids?
It would be best if you water your orchid plants once in 7-10 days. Or water once the soil is dry around 1-2 inches deep.
2. Where should I place my orchid plant?
It would be great if you place them where there is bright light but not the direct sun. Ideally, a north or east-facing window would be best for the growth of orchids. Also, do not forget to mist regularly with distilled water.
3. How long generally do orchid flowers last?
Generally, orchids bloom once a year, however, if they are in great condition, you could see them bloom more in the season. Orchid flowers generally remain in bloom for seven to nine weeks.
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