Planning to grow Philodendron in your home? Looking for ideas on where to start from? Well, you are at the right place. This article is all about how to grow and care for Philodendron. Have a look!

Philodendrons are amongst the easiest growing indoor plants. This genus has hundreds of foliage plants grown in the garden spaces and acts as a great air purifier. The plant can grow in the spring season, but you can grow Philodendron throughout the year in indoor spaces.
The leaves of the plant are glossy, large, and green in color. This houseplant is easy to maintain and grows easily in your indoor spaces.
So, follow this guide if you’re considering growing Philodendron in your garden or indoor spaces. Here, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step procedure on how to grow and care for philodendron.
Let’s have a look at the growing tips and Philodendron propagation methods. But, before that, a little overview of Philodendrons will help you to know more about this variety of foliage plants.
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All About Philodendron
Philodendrons are a form of tropical plants native to South America and Central America. This plant is considered the evergreen plant because it can grow throughout the year.
Around a hundred species of Philodendron are available as indoor and outdoor plants. However, the most common variety of the Philodendron we grow in indoor spaces has long stems with dark green leaves and a waxy layer.
Under ideal conditions and temperatures, you can grow this plant throughout the year. Some species may grow up to six feet in size.
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Philodendron Varieties
Some of the common types of philodendron species that can be grown as indoor plants are as follows:
1. Philodendron Scandens
The species has heart-shaped leaves, and sometimes the leaves have multicolor. It’s a climber-style plant.
2. Philodendron Melanochrysum
The plant has velvety leaves with climber-style dark branches. The leaves have dusky powered bronze color.
3. Philodendron Erubescens
This plant has reddish stems and red color leaves. It is also known as the pink princess with heart-shaped leaves with pink sections.

4. Philodendron bipinnatifidum
The species has deeply loved leaves and is often known as lacy tree philodendron.
5. Philodendron Rojo
The plant is a hybrid with small height and is easy to manage. However, sometimes it becomes vigor.

6. Philodendron Birkin
The variety has green leaves and white color stripes on the leaves. This is why it is also known as white wave philodendron.
7. Philodendron Gloriosum
The plants have upright growth habits and large green leaves with striking white veins.
8. Philodendron Hederaceum Brasil
The plant species has heart-shaped leaves. The leaves have lime green variegation and deep green color leaves.
9. Philodendron Selloum
This is one of the extra-large varieties of the Philodendron, as it can reach a height of five feet. The split leaves give it an iconic look.

These are some of the varieties of Philodendrons that you can choose from. You can choose according to the climate conditions where you live. Next, we will move to propagation methods for Philodendrons.
As the leaves of this plant are big, you should check out our big leaf plants caring tips.
How to Propagate Philodendron
Growing Philodendron is mostly through propagating the plant from earlier plants. There are various Philodendron propagation techniques that can be used.
Below, we will describe each of these that will help you to propagate Philodendrons with ease. Let’s check these out.
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Method 1. Through Cutting Method
This is one of the easiest methods to propagate Philodendron. Take out the tip cuttings and ensure to cut it 2-3 inches below the stem end.
You can also take 10 inches long cutting pieces and cut them into 2-3 inches. The cuttings can also be made under the leaf node as they can be removed for rooting.
After collecting cuttings, dip the plant’s growing tips in clean water. Take a large container with a minimum of one cup of water.
Make sure water doesn’t evaporate quickly. Submerge the cutting and keep half stem above the water. Replace the container water after 5-6 days.

The roots will emerge out within a few days. When the roots are long enough, transfer the cuttings into the soil-filled pot and pot with potting mix.
The pot you choose must have drainage holes so that soil can drain off quickly. For steady growth, keep the plant out of reach of direct sunlight and maintain the ideal temperature.
Method 2. By Division
The division method is also a great way to propagate the philodendron plant. Foremost, you’ve to remove the soil from the roots and ensure that the top region of the port section is exposing the root system.
Take a sharp knife and cut the root and stem region. Be sure to cut two sections of the roots along with the stems.
Now, remove all the mass structure of the roots without damaging the stem of the shoots. Take a pot and fill it with pot mix and let it grow.

Method 3. Through Air Layering
For this procedure, take a healthy stem from the Philodendron with no disease, discoloration, or damage. Now cut the leaves within 3-4 inches above leaf nodes.
Make a vertical slit around the node with a sterilized knife. Remove the outer stem layer and do not sever the above stem.
Now, apply rooting hormone solution at the stem cutting which is exposed. Cover it with moist peat moss and ensure the area doesn’t expose.
Now wrap the stem with plastic wrap and carefully seal it. When new root forms into the pocket of peat moss, cut the stem below the rooting areas and plant it into the pot.
These are some of the methods that you can apply for propagating Philodendrons. You can choose any of these methods that you find easy.
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How to Grow Philodendron
Philodendron can survive in all climate conditions in indoor spaces and sub-optimal conditions. But the plant gets extra care so they can flourish properly.
For the ideal growth of the plant, you’ve to follow these Philodendron growing tips.
1. Soil Requirements
This plant grows excellently in well-drained and moist soil but ensures that the soil is not waterlogged and overloaded.
If the soil is wet excessively, the roots may get damaged and have difficulty absorbing oxygen and nutrients. As a result, fungi and bacteria may attack the plant.
Therefore, try to keep the soil moist and loaded with fertilizer. But make sure that the pH of the soil is 5.0-6.0, slightly acidic. You can also use the perlite and peat moss mixture to attain the perfect acidic level.
Here are some soil preparation tips for planting in pots
2. Choice of Container
The key thing to protect your plant from waterlogged conditions is the right size container. Do not use large containers as they can create water logging conditions.
Use a medium size container to grow Philodendron. It helps bind the root and ensures that roots only occupy one-third of the pot.
It provides ample space to grow plants properly and avoid the conditions of fungal diseases. In addition, ensure that the plant pot has drainage holes in it so it can drain out excess water.

3. Water
Only water when the two top centimeters of the peat moss are completely dry. Based on the scale of your plants and the time of year, you’ll need to adjust your watering routine.
The leaves of a healthy plant will be brilliant and lively. On the contrary, if the leaves begin to wilt or turn brown, you may be under watering your plant.
Even in damp but not extremely soggy soil, the foliage may appear to be withering at moments. There could be a humidity problem if your Philodendron’s roots are in good form, healthy, and free from rot disease.
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4. Fertilization
This plant is a medium to high fertilizer feeder. Thus, you have to supply adequate fertilizer such as nitrogen at a given interval of time so that your plant can grow properly.
Apply nitrogen-rich fertilizer monthly to support the growth of the plant. However, you’ve to pay attention to the over-fertilizing as it can cause nutrient burn and deposit salt build-up.

5. Light Requirements
The light requirement may vary from species to species. The indoor plants require indirect light and bright light, also known as partial shades.
But many indoor species can grow well when placed at the west or south-facing windows where the light filters out from curtains and creates bright effects without burning it.
Outdoor plant species grow well in the shaded region under the tree. But you still have to keep them away from the direct sunlight as it can cause sunburn spots and start yellowing.
6. Climate Requirement
Philodendrons require a temperature between 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. They don’t perform well in temps below 55°F at night, while they can live for short durations in temps as little as 36°F. They appreciate moisture levels of 60-70 %.
When the exterior temperatures aren’t within the abovementioned limitations, keep your plants away from doorways or glass doors to avoid draughts and temperature swings.
Philodendron Growing Tips
Below are some of the growing tips for Philodendron that will help you grow a healthy plant:
- Always add water when the soil is about to dry.
- Keep plant under indirect sunlight and avoid exposure to it under the bright sun
- Use 50% diluted nitrogen fertilizer to grow plant
- Adjust the amount of fertilizer and water as per the growing season
- Try to maintain the ideal temperature around 70-85 °F during the daytime and 60 °F at night.
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How to Prune and Maintain Philodendron
Philodendron doesn’t require much pruning. But you can prune or remove the excess leaves to maintain their shape.
You can do pruning of the leggy leaves and lower leaves that are about to drop or turn yellow. Always cut the leaves above the leaf node.
This helps to encourage the growth of new branches and helps to grow new leaves faster.
The pieces or parts you have cut from the plant, such as leaves, roots, and twigs can be used to create a new plant through the propagation method.

How to Care for Philodendron
Philodendron doesn’t require much care. It can easily adapt to the indoor environment. However, you still need to take care of the plant to grow to the fullest.
So, here are some of the best tips to grow your plants.
1. Water
Water is necessary for the growth of the Philodendron; however, you have to take care not to add excessive water into the soil.
If the soil is soggy, the plant may rotten up faster. But, if the plant leaves start falling off and turn brown, the plant is not receiving adequate water.
Also, droopy leaves show that the plant is either receiving excess or not receiving proper water. Therefore, you have to water your plant adequately to avoid such conditions.

2. Temperature
The ideal temperature to grow this plant ranges between 65-78 ° F. However, ensure that the temperature doesn’t exceed the upper and lower limits.
If the temperature drops below 60 ° F, the temperature rises in indoor spaces to grow the plant properly.
3. Toxicity
This plant is toxic, so be sure that humans and animals don’t consume it. The lacy plant leaves are toxic to dogs and cats, so they keep the plant away from their reach.
The only way you can protect yourself from such an accident is you should know about plant toxicity
4. Light
This plant grows best in indirect sunlight and lights the soil medium. Keep in mind that the old leaves turn yellow, but if the young leaves fade their color, this is a sign your plant is receiving excessive sunlight.
So, could you keep them in shady places? If your plant seems to be leggy, then keep your plant in a brighter location.
5. Temperature
The ideal temperature to grow this plant ranges between 65-78 ° F. However, ensure that the temperature doesn’t exceed the upper and lower limits.
If the temperature drops below 60 ° F, the temperature rises in indoor spaces to grow the plant properly.
These are some of the best Philodendron caring tips that you should follow. These tips will ensure that you have a healthy Philodendron with no diseases.
Problems of Growing Philodendron
Philodendron is an easy-growing plant that can grow well indoors and outdoors. Though it grows easily but prone to some issues due to water, soil conditions, and sunlight.
So, here are some of the signs associated with these reasons and how you can handle them.
1. Leaves Getting Yellow
Several reasons can cause the yellowing of the leaves. Some of the possible reasons are direct exposing to the sunlight and overwatering.
However, if the old leaves of the plants are yellowing, then the plant may have low water issues. But if the younger leaves of the plant turn yellow, you might be adding water in large quantities.
In both cases, you can carefully monitor the condition and supply water adequately. Avoid overwatering conditions and ensure that roots are protected from chemical fertilizers.
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2. Browning of the Leaves
If your plant leaves turn brown with brown color leaf edges, you may be giving a shocking treatment to the plant with excessive cold water.
However, if the plant leaves turn mushy and brown, it may be a sign of overwatering.
In addition, the brown leaf edges that curl faster indicate that your plant needs less sunlight and more water. So, you can adjust the conditions according to the plant’s health.
If your plant leaves have yellow halos and brown tips, it indicates that Philodendron requires extra humidity. You can create the mist effect on the leaves by placing a container on the top of the plant.
3. Rotting Smell
If your plant leaves quickly turn yellow and have a rotten smell, this is a clear sign of root rotting. You can catch it as soon as possible and save your plant from further damage.
If you notice rotten smells, dig out the roots and check plant health. Cut away the rotten parts and replant the white portion of the roots in the fresh container having fresh soil.
4. Patterning and Yellow Splotches on Leaves
If your plant has a pattern or yellow lesions on the leaves, this is a sign your plant is suffering from a mosaic virus attack. You can easily eliminate such a virus by cutting the affected region and helping the Philodendron defend itself.
However, if the temperature inside the home is warm and dark, bring your plant under indirect sunlight and let the plant breathe in the fresh air.
Make sure to keep your infected plant away from other plants. Remove all the infected leaves and apply nitrogen-rich fertilizer into the soil so that plant can grow stronger again.
Would you Grow Philodendron
Philodendrons are one the best indoor living spaces plant that every garden needs to grow in their homes.
Now, you’ve got this complete guide on how to grow and care for Philodendron by following these simple steps and how to take care of the plant from insect and pest attacks. It will be easier for you to grow such a plant indoors.
Philodendron requires regular maintenance and pruning, so try to remove the dead twigs and leaves timely so that plant can grow properly.
Additionally, carefully repot your plant every year to prevent the bursting of the small pot in which you’ve planted philodendrons. Lastly, follow the tips given above and grow happily.
Are philodendrons easy to care for?
Philodendrons are very easy to grow and care for. It requires minimal care, and you can grow it throughout the year. That’s why this plant is an ideal option for beginners to grow as indoor plants.
How fast does Philodendron grow?
Philodendron is a quickly growing plant; within a week, it can grow up to 4 inches during spring.
How long can Philodendron live?
If you take care of the plant properly, it can grow for decades.
Why are the leaves of my Philodendron turning yellow?
If your plant leaves turn yellow, this may be a sign of poor nutrition and overwatering. However, if only a few leaves turn yellow, you may need to adjust the schedule of the watering plant.
Why is my plant limp and wilting?
If Philodendron is wilting and shows signs of limp, it is a case of low water content in the plant. Make sure to provide adequate water pressure to keep it in an upright direction.
Why are the leaves of my philodendron plant curling?
The leaves curling occurs due to extremely hard water and dehydration of the plant. Sometimes the salt built up can also result in the leaf curling. In that case, you must practice watering at the bottom of the plant. This helps to soak water into the soil and helps in creating a mist effect.
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