lemon tree grow

8 Growth Stages of Lemon Tree [Explained]

Have you planted a lemon tree in your garden? Wondering when it will produce fresh juicy lemons? This article will help you learn lemon tree growth stages so that you won’t be in any confusion. Keep on reading.

Lemon tree growth cycle is fast and it grows very quickly than any other trees of the citrus family. Then, within a few years, it starts fruiting and providing lemons and seeds.

This is why many people choose a lemon tree to plant in their gardens. At the same time, it is always fascinating to see the growth of lemon tree at various stages.

During warm climates, they grow so quickly; as a result of this, it is possible to see fruiting throughout the year.

However, if you are thinking about growing a lemon tree, it would be a plus point if you read about the lemon tree growth chart in this article.

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Lemon Tree Growth Stages

Citrus Limon

Today, in this article, you’re going to learn about the entire growth cycle of lemon tree and its growth chart.

So, to know more about the lemon tree growth stages, let’s focus on the details further

1. Lemon Seedlings

Lemon seedlings are the first stage of the life-cycle of the lemon tree. The seeds are tiny, have pointed tips, and have a smooth texture.

The seeds are slightly whitish to pale yellow and greenish. The color of the seedlings is the main characteristic of the lemon tree seeds.

The seeds from the mature lemon can be grown into the soil and provide you with a lemon tree.

However, the young seedlings only have fewer chances of germination. So, before you start sowing the seeds, do a quick test to find the mature seeds.

You have seen that the lemon fruit only has fewer seeds. So, the best way to have the optimum quality seeds is to let the fruit ripen completely.

First, the fruit turns into a greenish color and then yellowish color. It shows that the fruit is ripe and ready to produce the best quality seeds. 

2. Germinating Phase

The second stage of lemon tree growth is the germinating phase. It is always exciting to see how the tiny lemon seeds turn into small green leaves and start producing roots.

If you want to grow the best lemons trees, always choose the optimum quality seeds and those mature enough to grow.

For a quick view, look after the hardness of the seed; the harder it is, the optimum will be the quality.

You can buy the best quality lemon seeds from the market to grow the lemon trees. In other terms, they buy lemon fruits using the seeds present within the lemon. 

Grow them into the seedbox if you’re not comfortable growing in an open garden. The reason is small seedboxes are easy to handle and take care of. Alternatively, you can use bottles and cans. 

First, prepare the soil and make small holes two inches deeper. Next, sow the seed into the soil and pour some water.

Let it germinate. It takes several weeks to produce roots from seeds, and sooner or later, it starts producing leaves.

Related: Prepare Soil for Planting – Ultimate Guide

3. Youth Lemon Plant

The third phase is also known as the young seedling phase. The lemon tree will be a small plant with fewer leaves and sprouted roots in this phase.

Since the plant is young, you need to take extra care from strong winds and large animals because they can destroy the young plant. 

Do not forget to water the young plant regularly, especially when it is too hot outside. Apply the pre-fertilizers or NPK regularly to ensure healthy germination.

When you nourish them properly, they will survive even the tough situation and provide you with fruits at a later stage. 

Once the plant shows true roots and leaves, transfer them into the garden area or an ideal location to receive ideal sunlight and grow rapidly.

4. Maturation Phase

The young lemon plant continues to grow and turns into a mature plant. Keep in mind that the lemon tree grows faster, and within one or two years, it turns into a mature plant and starts fruiting.

The lemon tree starts producing more green, mature leaves at this stage, and the stem becomes stronger. 

During the maturation phase, you need to take extra care and make it stronger and healthier.

In simple terms, mature plants require extra care, and you need to apply fertilizers continually and water plants periodically to achieve ideal growth.

Put some effort into care to start producing more fruits and flowers. 

5. Budding Induction and Flowering

Budding and flowering is the next stage of the lemon tree’s growth. As soon as it matures, it induces buds that turn into flowers. This means the plant is now at least two to five years older.

During flowering time, you’ll see enormous white color velvety flowers. However, it would help if you continue pouring water and fertilizers as it is mandatory for the growth of the citrus plans.

But do not overwater the plant as it may disturb the pH of the soil. Make sure it must be sufficient, not over flooded.

You need to take care of the plant from pest attacks at this stage because they can harm the plants.

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6. Fruiting and Ripening

Now, it is the time of fruiting. At this final lemon tree growth stages, the lemon tree will start protruding fruits.

A young lemon tree turns into a mature tree and provides you with lemons. In the beginning, the lemon fruits are slightly greenish when they are young.

However, the color will turn darker green as soon as it starts ripening. 

When it is completely ripened, it turns yellow color. During ripening, the shape of the lemon also varies and has smooth skin, smells good when it is ripped.

However, the ripening of the fruit depends on how much you have taken care of the plant.

The age of the lemon tree is near around three- to five-year-old when it starts fruiting. However, even if it is mature, the plant still needs extra care and keeps on watering and application of fertilizers so that plants can provide the best fruits.

Here, the lemon tree almost completed its life cycle.

7. Harvesting Phase

At this stage, lemon fruits are ready to harvest. This means the fruits are mature enough to be harvested.

Before you start harvesting, make sure to check that the fruits are ripened completely. This indicates that the fruits are mature. Then, you can pluck the lemons separately and manually. 

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8. Older Phase/Drying Phase

This will be the final stage of the lemon tree growth stages, and fruits turn into a brown color. If you do not harvest the fruits, they will automatically fall out from the tree.

Also, the tree trunk gets thicker and darker in color at this final stage. Finally, the leaves will start decaying, and fruits will wither. 

However, the lemon fruits will continue to grow and will likely bear more lemons. But as the tree grows older, you need to prepare the seeds and grow new lemon trees.

Collect as many seeds as you can and start growing them. This is all about lemon tree growth stages in detail.

Related: How to fertilize your citrus trees


  1. How to Grow a Lemon Tree?

    Lemon seedlings are the first stage of the life-cycle of the lemon tree. The seeds are tiny, have pointed tips, and have a smooth texture. The second stage of lemon tree growth is the germinating phase. It is always exciting to see how the tiny lemon seeds turn into small green leaves and start producing roots.

  2. How to Grow Lemon Tree from Seed?

    Lemon seedlings are the first stage of the life-cycle of the lemon tree. The seeds are tiny, have pointed tips, and have a smooth texture. The seeds from the mature lemon can be grown into the soil and provide you with a lemon tree.

  3. How to Plant a Lemon Tree?

    The young seedlings only have fewer chances of germination. So, before you start sowing the seeds, do a quick test to find the mature seeds. The lemon fruit only has fewer seeds. So, the best way to have the optimum quality seeds is to let the fruit ripen completely.

  4. How to Care for a Lemon Tree?

    During the maturation phase, you need to take extra care and make it stronger and healthier. In simple terms, mature plants require extra care, and you need to apply fertilizers continually and water plants periodically to achieve ideal growth.

  5. How to Grow Lemon Tree Faster?

    The lemon tree is easy and faster one to grow into the garden areas. However, you need to take care a bit extra about the nutrition of the young plants and provide them adequate nutrition.

  6. How Long Does it Take Lemon to Grow?

    Lemon tree growth cycle is fast and it grows very quickly than any other trees of the citrus family. Then, within a few years, it starts fruiting and providing lemons and seeds.

Lemon Tree Growth Cycle

So, we hope you have enjoyed the blog about the fascinating stages of the growth of the lemon tree. It is amazing to see the lemon tree growth stages and how it starts fruiting.

Learning about various stages of the lemon tree growth can help grow the plant easily anywhere.

The lemon tree is easy to grow into the garden areas. However, you need to take care a bit extra about the nutrition of the young plants and provide them adequate nutrition.

With this, we come to an end sharing the journey of lemon tree growth stages. And pretty much sure that you would not be confused when your lemon tree starts fruiting after reading this article.

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