How to Grow and Care Passiflora Caerulea (Blue Passionflower)

Do you love colorful flowers in your garden? Have you heard of Passiflora Caerulea or blue passionflower? Want to grow Passiflora caerulea in your home garden? This guide will help you learn how you can grow Passiflora caerulea or blue passionflower in your home. Keep on reading!

passiflora caerulea

Passiflora Caerulea is also known as Blue Passionflower arguably looks enthralling in the garden areas. The blue passionflower is one of the unique specimens that blooms to spread vibrant beauty.

This is one of the most unusual-looking flowers and has corona filament, enhancing its beauty.  The colorful flowers look magnificent in your garden spaces. The flower remains open throughout the day.

Some of the blue passionflower species are toxic, so once read about the species before you plant them in the garden areas as it can be hazardous for children.

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Passiflora Caerulea is one such species you can grow in the garden as it looks flamboyant in the garden areas. The Passionflower is amongst the rapidly growing species.

In this blog, we’ll provide you with the stepwise guide which you can follow to grow Passiflora caerulea in your home garden. Let’s take a deep dive and follow the guide. 

But before that let’s understand what is passiflora caerulea? Are there any health benefits of the passiflora caerulea flower so that you can make an informed decision. 

All About Passiflora Caerulea (Blue Passionflower) 

Passiflora caerulea

Passiflora Caerulea or blue passionflower is a vibrant flower and a semi-herbaceous plant that grows well in Latin America.

However, its different species grow excellently throughout the globe. The plant is grown for ornamental values in Northern America and other countries.

Passiflora Caerulea grows well in tropical climates. It is a perennial species and may die off during the frost season. The roots are hard.

It requires mulching during the frost timing. It is one of the heavy feeder plants, so you need to maintain adequate fertilizers and water throughout the growing season.

passiflora caerulea

Not all the species are suitable for growing in the garden area because some are toxic and may be hazardous for health.

If you fancy growing blue flowers in your garden, you should check out different varieties of hibiscus in which few of them are in blue color.

And if you like anyone to grow out of these varieties, you should check our guide on how to grow hibiscus.

Benefits of Passiflora Caerulea

As we mentioned above, some of the varieties of passiflora caerulea are toxic so this question seems strange.

Right? But, there are some varieties of blue passionflower that have many health benefits as well. These are some of the health benefits of passiflora caerulea: 

  • Passionflowers act as a stimulant that soothes the nervous system. It has soothing properties and is recommended to treat insomnia.
  • The flower extract can be given to women who are facing menstrual pain. It acts as a relaxant and can help to deal with headaches.
  • Passiflora Caerulea has antispasmodic properties, which can help treat hypertension, asthma, muscle cramps, and palpitation.
  • It is helpful to reduce anxiety and nervous stimulation.

Curry leaf plants and Epazote herb are two other plants that we have featured on our site that have medicinal values as well.

Blue passionflowers can be used for testing the effect of passionflower on animals and humans as it has a psychotropic effect.

So, these are some of the health benefits of blue passionflower that many people don’t know about.

When to Plant Passiflora Caerulea

The Blue Passionflower can grow well during the early spring and late fall seasons. However, it depends on the area where you are growing them.

Passiflora Caerulea starts blooming during the early summer and starts fruiting during the mid-fall and early fall season. So, the early spring season would be an excellent time to grow the Passiflora Caerulea. 

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How to Grow Passiflora Caerulea

There are three ways of growing blue passionflowers. One method is from seeds, and the other is from cuttings. However, you can also try to propagate passiflora caerulea using seedlings as well.

We will discuss all three ways that will help you to grow Passiflora caerulea.  Let’s take a deep dive to grow the blue passionflowers with these methods.

Method 1. Grow Passiflora Caerulea from Seeds

Use the fresh fruits of the blue passionflowers to collect the seeds. Take out the pulpy sac to collect the seeds.

Within the sac, you get more than 300 seeds. The seeds are present under the slippery membrane.

Use seeds only when the fruit is ripened properly. This will increase the chances of fertilization.

grow passiflora caerulea

Break the membrane and spread-out seeds. Now, soak the seeds in warm water. Leave it overnight.

Now, prepare the pot and add soil and compost. Insert seed into the soil. Make sure to dig out the hole into the soil at least half inches.

Cover the seed with soil and pour water into the soil. Within a few weeks, the seed starts germinating. Sometimes, it may take longer to germinate, so keep patience. Supply adequate nutrients and water timely.

Growing passiflora caerulea plants using seeds is the easiest way and following the above points will help you do so with ease.

Also Read: How to Prepare Soil

Method 2. Grow Passiflora Caerulea from Cuttings

Cuttings of the blue passionflowers can be used for propagation. Cut the stem region that has rootstock.

This will increase the chances of propagation. Cutting from the grafted plant can produce undesirable results, stunted growth, and diminish fruits. 

Take a pot and fill it with soil. Now, put the cuttings into the soil. Make sure you don’t touch the end of the pot while placing the cutting. Add compost and water.

Within a few weeks, suckers will appear shoots that emerge from the ground level. The suckers will produce flowers that are not edible. Ensure good drainage and airflow so that plants can grow properly. 

Before implanting the cuttings, soak them into the hormone solution and a rooting mixture. Keep the medium moist as it helps to grow the plant faster.

Maintain the ideal conditions such as warmth and humidity. Once it starts developing roots, transfers into the soil.

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Method 3. Grow Passiflora Caerulea from Seedlings and Transplanting

You can also use the seedlings to grow the plant. When the seedlings reach the height of six to eight inches, make sure to move the plant from the pot into the ground soil.

Let the plant be undisturbed and supply adequate nutrients and water. Passionflower transplanting is difficult when it develops into the taproot system. Taproot penetrates deeply, which is why it is not advisable to transplant.

Also, keep in mind that the plant expands up to 30 feet in length and width. So, it requires a huge space to grow.

When it reaches a certain height, transfer it into the garden places to flourish properly. This process is tricky and may take time, and intense care is required not to damage the roots. 

grow passiflora caerulea

How to Care for Passiflora Caerulea

Passiflora Caerulea is easy to grow and can be grown in any season. However, there are some caring tips that you need to follow to keep your passiflora flowers healthy all the time. 

Ensure these tips are followed and we are sure you will have healthy grow Passiflora caerulea in no time. 

1. Perform Pruning Yearly

Blue Passionflower expands up to fifteen feet every year. It would be great to prune the plant annually during early spring or late winter.

It helps to remove all the deadheads and encourage blooming.

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2. Provide Adequate Support

Always use support systems such as trellis and fencing.

This structural support helps keep the plant in an upward direction and provides proper support to climb in an upward direction. 

3. Stop Overwatering

Blue Passionflowers can grow in difficult climatic conditions. It has strong roots which penetrate deeply into the soil.

You can water once or twice a week. This will encourage the growth of the plant. But avoid overwatering the flower.

The reason is that overloaded water conditions can affect the plant’s growth and may spoil it. Increase the frequency during summertime. It helps to support the growth of the plant. 

4. Do Pest Control

Blue Passionflower can be affected by pest infestation such as spider mites, whiteflies, and scales.

You can spray insecticide and pesticides regularly to control the pest attack and keep the plant safe. 

grow passiflora caerulea

5. Protect During Winter

Though it tolerates all environmental conditions, still during winter, you need to take care a little extra. The roots don’t die completely.

So, do ensure to spread the mulch on the base of the Passionflower. It helps protect the roots of the plants and keep them protected during frost conditions. 

6. Provide Adequate Support

Always use support systems such as trellis and fencing. This structural support helps keep the plant in an upward direction and provides proper support to climb in an upward direction. 

These are some of the passiflora caerulea caring tips that you should follow while growing the plant in your home garden. Following these tips ensure a great flowering in the growing season. 

Also Read: Why Yellow Leaves on Plants?

Passiflora Caerulea Problems and Solutions

This is a carefree plant, so you don’t need to care that you require with some other plant. Sometimes, the leaves may turn yellowish due to a lack of nutrients.

This problem commonly happens in potted plants. Some flower petals wilt down if you don’t supply nutrients and water timely. 

However, when growing them in the ground, you may observe the yellow leaves. This is a sign of malnutrition or poor soil nutrients.

Hence, you can maintain an adequate supply of nutrients in the soil. It is recommended to perform the soil test before supplying any nutrients. 

Supply the essential nutrients only if the soil lacks these nutrients: 

  • Manganese 
  • Iron 
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium 
  • Molybdenum 
  • Potassium 
  • Nitrogen 
  • Sulfur 

That’s it, there are not so many problems associated with passiflora caerulea as you can see.

That is why growing blue passionflowers is the easiest thing to do even if you are a new gardener. 

grow passiflora caerulea

Is it Ok to Harvest Passiflora Caerulea Fruit

The Passiflora Caerulea fruit immediately falls on the ground as soon as it ripens.

However, it is not recommended to eat the fruits because they are poisonous. Eating unripe fruit can cause gestational problems.  It has a bland taste, so it is not recommended for eating purposes.

In addition to this, other passiflora caerulea has cyanide and is not fit for human consumption. Hence, you don’t need to harvest the fruits of the Passiflora Caerulea. 

grow passiflora caerulea

Grow Passiflora Caerulea with Ease

So, here you go, this is how you can grow passiflora caerulea easily without scratching your heads. We hope you like reading about the Passionflower growing tips and caring tips.

You can easily grow the flowers into the garden spaces by following these easy steps. Passionflowers grow excellen in all spaces, especially in tropical climate regions.

In addition to this, you need to maintain the supply of fertilizers because the flowers are amongst the heavy feeders. So, they need nutrition constantly. 

You can go for pruning timely to maintain its shape. It requires minimum care; you don’t need to remove the deadheads too often.

Timely spray insecticide and pesticide to check the pest and insects that may damage the plants. Now you have the complete guide, follow the tips, and start planting the flowers in your garden spaces. 

But, before that, would you like to grow Passiflora caerulea? If yes, do let us know that these tips helped you in growing Passiflora caerulea.


  1. Do I need to provide fertilizers continually?

    Yes, Passionflowers are amongst the heavy feeders. So, you may need to supply vital nutrients such as potassium, sulfur, nitrogen, and others. It helps to support the growth of the flowers and keep them healthy.

    Before supplying nutrients, check the soil to find out the nutrientdeficiency. Do not over-fertilize the soil as it may damage the flowers. 

  2. How often do I need to prune the Passionflower stems?

     Passionflower requires much pruning. However, if it expands continually and has deadheads, do ensure to perform pruning to remove the deadheads. It is also helpful to keep the vine flower in shape. 

  3. Can I grow the Blue Passionflowers indoors?

    Yes, Blue passionflower can be grown easily into indoor spaces. However, it doesn’t start fruiting in the indoor spaces because it requires an adequate environment and space to grow properly. It starts fruiting in an open environment and soil. 

  4. Do I need to give a lot of water to passiflora caerulea?

    Passiflora Caerulea needs immediate watering after planting. However, once it starts growing, water one or twice a week is sufficient.

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